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January 24, 2023


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Sally Hanson


Richard Eckert

Thank you Kathy.I walk a 2 1/2 mile (out and back) walk most mornings and each day is different. From the sparkling frost from my flashlight to the different stars to the young rabbit it's a good walk. Changes may be slight and always there.Cold, hot, muddy,dusty, something. It is nice being out and physically and mentally able.Solve all kinds of problems, too.

Take care and continue sharing.


Jennifer Woodhull

"Worth it" is such a transactional concept. The natural world is not transactional. To me, "Is it worth it?" is an impossible question to answer because of the unquestioned assumptions informing it. Whether or not it's "worth it" depends on what you value.

Kathy Kaiser

Jennifer, good point. The man who asked me the question was assuming that I had the same set of standards/aesthetics as he did.

Kathy Kaiser

Thanks, Richard. I agree that every day and every moment is different. And if we do the same walk every day we saw so much more, because we're so familiar with the landscape that we know when something is different. It's a wonderful exercise--both physical and mental, as you say. Keep walking.


Over the years I've spent a fair amount of time in the park (usually in just-another-tourist mode) and to date have never seen a moose or an otter. Having easy, regular access certainly makes a difference.

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