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July 13, 2012


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Beautiful post. I agree with you that many people "love nature to death"....it is as though they want to put as much padding between themselves the natural landscape around them. How to cure this? In terms of Wisconsin, I think it is more than just in the north---I noticed downtown Madison was so dirty, many buildings are empty, the lakes are overgrown with toxic weeds. I'm an optimist but wonder how/where we start--within, I guess.

Melanie Mulhall


Thank god there is a Meeker Park! And thank god you're willing to write about it. This issue of loving nature to death hurts my heart. I live simply. I don't have a cabin in the woods, but like you as a kid, I don't have air conditioning. I open my windows at night. I don't have a smart phone and I don't have cable or satellite television. So much of what complicates life for nature complicates it for us humans, too. I like comfort, I admit, but some of that comfort, for me, is found in the sights and sounds and feel of nature.

Thank you for your posts. They are lovely reminders of what is important.



This mirrors my own experience too well. I fell in love with the natural world at a lake called Shuswap in British Columbia. We went there for summer holidays when I was a child. Beautiful cedar-hemlock forest, crystal clear water, waterfalls and salmon spawning rivers feeding the lake, white sand and pebble beaches. It was paradise. But now it is a zoo overtaken by houseboats of drunken partiers (houseboats with granite countertops, of course!), jet skis, loud music, and development. The word desecration springs to mind. As you put it, it has become an ugly extension of suburban life.

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