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April 03, 2012


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"They seemed to pop from the ground, as if the warm sun had finally penetrated the soil and propelled their release from the earth. I thought if I sat there long enough and watched, I could see one actually slither up through the soil"---it feels like this everywhere I go, this magical spring. Thank you for sharing this, I can imagine you at your cabin almost stepping on this beauty--I remember when you found a pasqueflower when you first saw the cabin, I think you knew then this was the right cabin.

Erin Block

"I thought if I sat there long enough and watched, I could see one actually slither up through the soil." I have always wanted the patience to try doing this....but my eyes always get distracted too. This is a beautiful piece, Kathy.


I so wish I had a cabin!!

Julene Bair

I love pasque flowers, and I love the words you use to describe them, esp. "phalanx." What a cool word!

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