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January 25, 2012


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"Each pine tree is an instrument for the wind, which sets up a symphony through hundreds of trees, producing whooshes and roars that reach crescendos before the next lull. "....wonderful, once again. Thank you for helping me remember a night of fierce wind with the distance of a week or so...and the photos!


These experiences wake us up on some type of survival level. It's good to be excited by the life around us! I'm thinking you might have wanted this experience too as you grabbed your computer to flee into danger. I remember how I loved the intense summer rainstorms we had in the midwest in summer. The intense thunder and lightning all around with the pouring rain! I loved those storms and miss them to tell you the truth. To be intensely part of life!

Chantay Smithingell

Although it is very difficult for an ordinary person to survive a snowstorm in the forest, you were fortunate to last in the cabin until the weather subsided. I'm sure the cabin also endured, as well as the roof that was almost ripped off by the wind.

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