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January 21, 2011


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Cabin Journal -- I am new to your blog. This morning I spent some time reading several of your posts. I liked the rhythm of your writing style as well as your content and photos. -- barbara


I love these quiet, often surprising meditations on all things elemental--sun, fire weather.


One thing we used in the woods was a wedge that would help split those tough pieces and also a maul is helpful. A fire needs to be built, the foundation enough small pieces that burn easily and then graduated pieces till you have a good set of coals to sustain the larger pieces eventually. Fire building is an art. One of the easiest ways to meditate. The fire has the ability to transfix the mind for sure. I love staring at the campfire.


I really like your Fire Meditation blog. Beautiful thoughts, insights and descriptions.

Kathy Kaiser

Good tip, Sally, about the wedge. I have tried that but not the maul. I agree that building a fire is an art, one I haven't quiet yet mastered.

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