It's the time of year for everyone's top 10: movies, TV shows, news stories, businesses. What I love are animals, so here's my top 10 favorite animal encounters from 2010. Enjoy.
(Right) I got this close-up photo of a chipmunk at Blue Lake (in Brainard Lake Wilderness Area) last summer.
This coyote (below) was stalking something in the grass near my cabin, perhaps a mouse or vole. In the fullness of summer, its coat is thick and healthy.
The hummingbird (below) was one of a group of around 20 hummers that arrived last May in the middle of snowstorm.
On the cabin deck (left), this ground squirrel first tried my wine but decided the water tasted better.
Last summer, a black-headed grosbeak (right) landed on the post outside the kitchen window at the cabin.
My favorite encounter last summer was with this young moose (below) that swam across Cub Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.
(And, in descending order): It was snowing hard when I photographed these sandhill cranes at Monte Vista wildlife refuge in southern Colorado in March.
It appears this prairie dog in the foothills west of Boulder was a little overwhelmed by all the snow we received last year.
This young marmot I discovered at Blue Lake (at Brainard Lake Wilderness Area west of Boulder) seemed as curious about me as I was about it.
The mountain bluebird is one of the first birds to arrive in spring, often when the ground is still bare.