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August 04, 2010


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What a peaceful reminder to appreciate the rain---and the breath---and the world.


I like how you don't overstate the case for meditation. Just to have a moment or two when thoughts aren't racing is enough, since that's so rare an experience ordinarily. Then the idea that being in the moment is the only way to keep up--that's profound.


I loved this one, Kathy as I find this is my saving grace. I pack up my van and have a wonderfully quiet campground in the Redwoods by the ocean where I do what you just talked about and it returns me back to sanity and with out this I would have been nuts or much sicker. After about 24hrs I feel so normal and relieved that I could relax, let down, unwind. And the fresh air helps too. Connecting with the elements and the wildlife and the web of life is so restorative. I wish I had a cabin like yours. But I have something that does the same. I have been doing this since childhood and it has always worked. I loved this piece it's what the world needs now!!

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