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July 07, 2010


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Once again, I feel encouraged reading your posts to try simply being wherever I am. I looked out the window and saw a day I've failed to appreciate until now, because it is so wet and cold. The leaves on the cottonwood flutter and the tall brome grass in the neighbor's pasture, fully seeded out now that its summer, is a-tremble all the way from my house to the mountains. Low clouds conceal the peaks and reveal only misty foothills, pale green and cloaked in pine. I look for and see beauty in all this instead of wishing it were different, thanks to you.

Laurel Kallenbach

Just seeing your glorious rainbow photo makes me breathe more deeply and be thankful for the beauty that's ours to appreciate if we just slow down long enough...

Leland Rucker

Since I drive 285 for the same reasons as you, I have often felt the anger of drivers wanting me to go faster when I want to watch the peaks, or the sandstorm, or gaze over at the dunes. I used to be those drivers, only wanting to get somewhere else. It's so much nicer watching where you are, where you were and where you are going.

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