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May 03, 2010


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Rosemary Carstens

There's such a lesson in this story, Kathy. How often do we sulk back into our shell when something isn't as we envisioned it? I must remind myself to ask, "What IS here, what is beautiful today?" or, even, "What lesson is there that will make these hours worthwhile?" It's not enough just to hunker down and endure a situation that has not turned out as we'd hoped, although sometimes, I know, that's the best choice. You really turned that day around--nature has a way of making us do that.


Lovely description of how it is when you drop the struggle … Thanks for this, Kathy.


Thank you for the lesson again to let go of what we think we want and see the beauty/gift/joy is what is present...


Hi Kathy, A thought-provoking essay on acceptance. Sometimes, I just expect to feel joyful - and then... I do! Still snowing in Breckenridge, too.


I agree with everyone here, so much more satisfaction from finding what's there and not pass judgment about it...just see, feel, notice, accept the joy in all of life. We struggle so much and get so wrapped up in the internal word and make ourselves miserable and stressed out because we can't control. Thanks for the meditation and the reminder to just let go and let spirit flow threw us.


"Every so often the combination of sun and slight wind would disturb one of the clumps, and they would come drifting down, scattering small flakes sideways, like veils of snow spun through the trees." That's a gorgeous sentence, perfectly describing a gorgeous winter event. And the picture of the cabin is just lovely. Are we seeing the birth of a book in these posts? I think maybe so.

Once again, you caused me to look out my own window, at the prairie after (yet another!) snow storm. It is stunning to see all that lush grass mottled in white, but to write a sentence such as the one above would take me half the morning.


Angry Birds

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