As I drove to the cabin this week, the fields down on the plains were turning green, just the first hint among last year’s brown grasses. In front yards, I could see daffodils and crocuses, and a few bushes were starting to flower.
But at the cabin, at 8,500 feet, it’s still winter. About three feet of snow cover the driveway, and in the backyard the picnic table is buried under several feet. To get to the water pump, I had to dig a path through the snow. Framed nicely in the back window are icicles dangling from the back gutter.
I look at this, and I think it’s beautiful. In fact, I thought the picture of the Bill Waite cabin in the snow would make a great Christmas card (above). But it’s April, and I’m ready for warmth and green. Somewhere under that snow, the pasqueflowers are ready too, just waiting to pop from the ground into the sun. I’ll just hang on till then.
Incredible photos....Summer is coming, will come. Promise.
Thank you for the snow/ice pictures on this stunning spring day in Boulder.
Posted by: shoney | April 11, 2010 at 10:27 AM
I loved the pictures, Kath!! I agree it's time for spring!! Nice how in a relatively short drive you can get so many climes. When will sprig come at the cabin? Enjoy your variety, at least there is spring in Boulder for your partaking.
Posted by: sally | April 11, 2010 at 12:57 PM
Haven't commented in a while and just wanted to say I *loved* reading about and seeing your amazing pictures of the sandhill cranes (in particular that magical photo of them flying with the Sangre de Cristo mountains in the background. It's so neat that you have this ritual of returning to see them each year. I'd love to see more of your photos.
Posted by: Julene | April 11, 2010 at 07:14 PM